On days when I'm composing, my favourite track / song is the one I'm composing now. I might think it's utter rubbish the next day, but that's tomorrow's problem.
Musical inspirations and the results
I was playing my newest 2 synth piece to my bandmate tonight.
Bandmate: very jazz-ey!
Me: I know, and I don't even like jazz.
Bandmate: so, you listen to techno dude youtube music production lessons, hip hop music for inspiration, and end up composing jazz!
Me: I know, I am disappointed in myself.
* this is the 3rd time I have heard him referring to my (different) piano-synth compositions as "jazz-ey".
Tink tink pum tink
Kae: Soo, here we go. I haven't even finished the first composition, I already have an idea for another one!
Neighbour: Well, what did you think that you were going to be a one hit wonder?
Kae: It's not even a hit, it's an unfinished mess.
Neighbour: OK, one mess wonder?
Kae: But I'm not even close to finishing it. And now I have this idea that wouldn't be triad based. It would be la note based and go like tink, tink, tunk, then pumpum, tink.
Neighbour: Yeah, that's how I make my idea notes as well :D In my email or Bitwig or wherever :D
Phone shortcut to DND mode
Today's voice recording session.
I often enough practice sitting down, especially whilst figuring out what am I doing here with my voice. Kitto had just woken up, doing her afternoon little tasks. She likes to wake up, eat a bit, and do some kitto stuff, before going back to sleep before the evening.
As I stood up to record, kitto went under the bed.
When I stopped recording, she came back out. She's sitting here next to me and demanding attention. So, I'm going to do that now.
I need a holiday to spend with my piano
As a long time music listener, first time composer, I find myself going through stages of:
Ooohh, there's something there, fuck wtf was I thinking, ah, I'll just record this as a note to self, hmm, there's really something, but not it there, arrgh, no, just no, well, I'll give this idea a go.
All nicely balanced with the stubbornness that all I have to do is practice, practice, practice.
I knew I needed a new tag
Do you still have your mic on 'n you're taking requests?
I need the sound of crumpling of paper, that's what I need here!
Something slow, well, not too slow, but not crumple and done. :D
Yeah, sure. Do you want a process of this, or crumpling for a result.
Also, what kind of paper?
Process that leads to a result, I guess? :D
And not too sure, maybe a newspaper could do.
OK, let me try.
[10 mins later]
Will this do? Or should I adjust the mic settings to make it louder?
I need a new tag for the blog now
Because I got myself a new MIDI keyboard.
This event is not entirely unexpected, nor it is really a beginning of me being interested in sound. As some might know, I've been recording my voice for a while now. Which lead me to learning voice support breathing, which then lead me to watching some music theory explanation videos and such. I have also found the most convenient metronome app on my phone.
And when my designer got his MIDI keyboard, which is actually a mini one, I was increasingly consumed with the thoughts of how much fun it could be to play the piano again.
I don't have the space (nor the budget, including upkeep) for a piano. I quickly realised that MIDI keyboard vs synth is an obvious choice, and after weeks and weeks of drowning in research I ordered a Nektar MIDI keyboard.
The challenges of the delivery of this item are a separate story.
I have found a tremendous amount of joy playing it. Obviously, as I hadn't played anything for over 20 years, I am now immersing in playing exercises designed to get the key layout in the muscle memory of my fingers, and also some free sheets of traditional kids' songs.
And I think I am ready to attempt playing an exercise or two whilst having the metronome app.
However, this has lead me to a conclusion that 3 speaker setup, is just inconvenient. Things sound wrong, sound feels a bit displaced at times. Especially Re chords, btw. Even the Re major triads.
Before all of this, I would have gotten Edifier music speakers. Those are good. But I currently have Edifier headphones. And the (once a tester always a..) tester in me says that I should diversify and get a different brand. Which makes me think of the next weeks and weeks of research.
Anyway. I'm going to have some coffee, and then I'm going to see if I can record a poem today (just voice, no piano). Or, at least some sound samples for my Designer.
Be brave, spiral into your hobbies.